The number of treatment-naïve de novo patients was not given No

The number of treatment-naïve de novo patients was not given. No PCR product was generated within the study, and this led the authors to conclude Bcl-2 inhibitor that Helicobacter spp. were unlikely to play a role in the pathogenesis of IBD. This was supported in a similar study by Grehan et al. (2004) who also failed to demonstrate non-pylori Helicobacter using nested PCR in 15 patients with CD, 12 with UC, and 43 controls. Since these studies, however, six groups have demonstrated molecular evidence of Helicobacter

organisms in the colonic tissue of IBD patients. The German group of Bohr et al. (2004) utilized Helicobacter genus PCR primers on colonic and ileal biopsies from 66 of 115 recruited patients of whom 25 had CD, 18 had UC and

23 were controls with no macroscopic or microscopic abnormalities. Forty-nine subjects were excluded because of other disease. This study identified enterohepatic Helicobacter spp. (those that predominantly colonize the intestines and biliary system rather than the stomach) by sequencing PCR products in 12% of CD cases, 17% of UC cases, but only 4% of the controls. This difference did not reach statistical significance. Interestingly, however, H. pylori positivity was significantly higher in controls at 61% against 32% in CD and 28% in UC. This fits with the prior observations described above that Dabrafenib price H. pylori appears less prevalent in IBD (or vice versa). Helicobacter pullorum DNA was detected in two CD patients and one control, but no UC patients. Helicobacter fennelliae DNA was detected in three UC patients and one CD patient, but in none of the controls. Hazel Mitchell’s group from Sydney published the negative nested PCR study of Grehan et al. (2004). This was followed by an insightful paper in 2006, which examined colonic biopsies from 21 children

undergoing diagnostic colonoscopy, of whom 11 were diagnosed with CD, one with UC, five with IBS and four were asymptomatic at the time of colonoscopy (Zhang et al., 2006). This study utilized multiple methods including PCR, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). Members of the Helicobacteraceae family were detected in 92% Selleck Abiraterone of the IBD cohort, 100% of the IBS cohort and 25% of the controls. The differences between IBD/IBS and controls were statistically significant. The DGGE bands sequenced were most similar to the following organisms on blast (percentage similarities in parentheses): H. hepaticus (100%), H. bilis (100%), H. cinaedi (100%), H. trogontum/Helicobacter rappini (100%), Helicobacter ganmani (99%), Wollinela succinogenes (99%) and H. pylori (99%). This group has since gone on to demonstrate molecular evidence of Helicobacter spp. in faecal samples from children (Man et al., 2008).

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