The most significant findings of this study are, we suggest, the following. We
show that immunity induced Selleckchem LY2835219 by sporozoites under a drug cover that should prevent development of the parasites in the blood, has a marked strain-specific component against both sporozoite and blood-stage parasite challenge. The strain-specific effect appears to apply to the parasites in sporozoite-induced infections at a stage before they are detectible in the blood by conventional blood smear microscopy. This could be because there is strain-specific anti parasite immunity acting against the parasites in the liver. However, our results also clearly show that strain-specific immunity is acting against the blood stage parasites themselves. We suggest that this anti-blood stage immunity arises either through the expression of antigens common to blood-stage parasites during exo-erythrocytic schizont development, as was shown previously for MSP1 (16), or
by the exposure to the immune system of the exo-erythrocytic merozoites which are released, and invade red blood cells, before being killed by the effect of MF in our immunization protocol. Each P. chabaudi liver schizont is believed to release in the order of 20 000 merozoites (17). As the immunizing inocula in the present experiments probably delivered many tens, at least, of sporozoites successfully to the liver (based on an evaluation of the IP route for sporozoite inoculation, Inoue & Culleton, unpublished data), each sporozoite immunization under MF would probably have resulted in the release of the order of at least 105 blood stage merozoites. Sirolimus research buy This, we suggest, is a likely basis for the induction of the immunity, both pan- and strain-specific, that we observed Thalidomide against the blood-stage parasites in these experiments. The protective immunity achieved via immunization with both irradiation attenuated and genetically attenuated sporozoites is
thought to be mediated mainly through CD8+ T-cell responses, at least for the Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium yoelii parasites (18). There is also evidence for the involvement of other immune mechanisms in these systems, including those involving B cells, CD4+ T-cells and NK cells (19–21). When immunizations are performed with live sporozoites under the cover of anti-blood stage chemoprophylaxis, as in our study, it appears that both CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells are involved in the protective affect achieved, and there is little evidence for the role of antibodies (22). However, these experiments were performed with P. yoelii parasites, and it is possible that protective mechanisms differ between parasite species (10,23). The two P. c. chabaudi strains used in this study, AJ and CB, have previously been shown to differ considerably at the nucleotide level (24). This genetic diversity incorporates known antigen genes, such as MSP1 (25), which elicit strongly strain-specific immune responses (3).