29, P = 0.033) (data not shown). see more Up-regulation of HLA-DR expression by cirrhotic plasma, which could also be induced by exposure to LPS or CpG, was abrogated by the antagonism of either TLR4 or TLR9 (Fig. 6D). Abrogation of HLA-DR up-regulation was detected with three different approaches to TLR4 blockade: LPS-RS, which inhibits LPS binding to LPS-binding protein (LBP), neutralization of sCD14, and direct blockade of TLR4 (Fig. 6E). Last, similar to LPS and CpG, cirrhotic plasma protected
B cells from apoptosis in 72-hour culture, an effect that was abrogated by TLR4 and/or TLR9 blockade (Fig. 6F). Thus, soluble factors associated with bacterial translocation, such as LPS and CpG motifs, that are elevated in cirrhotic plasma are capable of activating B cells in vitro. Though the long-term effects of such activation cannot be modeled ex vivo, these data suggest a possible mechanism underlying the phenotypic and functional perturbations of peripheral blood B cells in cirrhosis. In our study, we have uniquely found that among patients with chronic HCV, only those that have progressed to cirrhosis display a loss of CD27+ memory
B cells with associated functional abnormalities. The noncirrhotic and cirrhotic HCV-infected patients we studied were similar in age, gender, ethnicity, viral genotype, and duration of infection, making viral or demographic factors very unlikely to explain the observed differences. Furthermore, this phenotype was also identified in patients with non-HCV-related cirrhosis, strongly implicating hepatic fibrosis and/or portal hypertension in the development phosphatase inhibitor library of this phenotype. The loss of CD27+ memory B cells appears to be a phenomenon common to several immunocompromised states, such as advanced solid tumors,23 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection,28 and common variable immunodeficiency (CVID).29 Though HIV and cirrhosis are both associated with bacterial translocation, a common underlying pathophysiology with CVID and advanced malignancy is not immediately obvious, but perhaps may be medchemexpress related to splenic
dysfunction. The loss of CD27+ memory B cells in cirrhosis was associated with several functional consequences, including impaired activation, impaired TNF-β and IgG production, and impaired allostimulatory capacity. This impaired activation and reduced capacity to recruit T-cell help may explain the observed vaccine hyporesponsiveness in cirrhotic patients.14, 15 Paradoxically, overall Ig levels are elevated in cirrhotics because of increased levels of pathogen-specific Igs, such as antibodies against Saccharomyces cerevisiae and against Galα1-3Galβ1-3GlcNAc, a glycan epitope found in bacterial cell walls.16, 17 Quite strikingly, we have shown that cirrhosis is associated with profound reductions of CD27+IgM+ B cells, a subset of memory B cells thought to be generated in response to T-independent antigens.