This fishery changed little until 1982, when monofilament drifting longlines replaced hemp
lines and hooks per line increased [98]. This gear change, along with better equipped boats, helped local fisherman searching for new fishing grounds to increase catches from about 1000 t in 1982 to 3000 t in 1992 [98]. Black scabbardfish are now fished between 800 and 1200 m on slopes of islands and seamounts [97]. This species may show fast growth for a deep-sea fish, maturing at about 3 to 4 years and with longevity of 12–24 years [99] and [100], which could help to explain its apparent sustainability. Another reason is that the fishery selleck kinase inhibitor used hook and line gear [101]. In the past, the complexity of Madeira’s seafloor prevented bottom trawling. Now that trawlers can fish on steep slopes, the Portuguese government and regional authorities have prohibited use of trawls in both Madeira and the Azores. This became an EC regulation (EC Reg. 1568/2005) under the new Common Fisheries Policy to foster conservation of sensitive deep-sea habitats and species [102]. Black scabbardfish fisheries are still artisanal in Portugal but are much more industrialized elsewhere (e.g., French deepwater freezer trawler fisheries in northern
European waters) [103], where CPUE shows a population decline [104]. For this reason, the international Council for the Exploration of selleck chemical the Sea (ICES) has asked for significant reductions in fishing effort. Present landings in northern Europe are probably maintained by serial exploitation of new fishing grounds. But in waters between the Azores and the Canary Islands, artisanal longline black scabbardfish fisheries seem to have stable catches and biomass, and may remain so if fishing effort does not increase [104].
A number of other deep-sea teleosts are targets of major commercial fisheries in various parts of the world. These include triclocarban alfonsinos (B. splendens and B. decadactylus, Berycidae), oreos (in particular smooth oreo dory (Pseudocyttus maculatus) and black oreo (Allocyttus niger, Oreosomatidae), toothfishes (Patagonian toothfish, Dissostichus eleginoides and Antarctic toothfish, D. mawsoni, Nototheniidae), sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria, Anoplopomatidae), blue ling (Molva dypterigia), cusk (Brosme brosme, Lotidae) and wolffishes (Anarhichas spp., Anarhichiadidae). Oreos are long-lived and slow-growing like orange roughy, but the other species are more like typical shallow-dwelling species. Catch histories of these fisheries show differing trends, but the current catch levels of all are markedly lower than historical maxima (Table 2). Decreases in catch result from a combination of overfishing, a trend in some areas towards longlining rather than trawling (e.g. trawling became more limited under the Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR) for D. eleginoides, and was prohibited from the beginning for D.