The results imply close relations between LH motivational amplification functions and attention, and may inform our understanding of disorders in which motivational and attentional impairments co-occur. “
“The nuclei of the human amygdaloid complex can be distinguished from each other on the basis of their cytoarchitecture, DAPT price chemistry and connections, all of which process the information needed for the different functions (ranging from attention to memory and emotion) of the amygdala. This complex receives dopaminergic input that exerts modulatory
effects over its intrinsic network and is critical for reward-related learning and fear conditioning. To determine the specific distribution of the dopaminergic input through the different nuclei and
nuclear subdivisions of this structure we used stereological tools to quantify the fibers containing the dopamine transporter (used to signal the dopaminergic phenotype) in post-mortem samples from control individuals. Dopaminergic axons targeted every nucleus of the amygdaloid complex, and the density of dopamine transporter-containing axons varied considerably among its nuclear groups. The central group showed the greatest density of dopamine transporter-positive fibers, more than double the density of the basolateral group, the second most densely innervated structure. The dopamine transporter-positive innervation is very scant in the corticomedial group. The density of dopamine transporter-positive fibers did not vary among the nuclei of the basolateral group – i.e. basal, lateral and accessory basal nuclei – although there were significant density gradients among the subdivisions of these nuclei. Akt inhibitor These detailed quantitative data on dopamine transporter-positive innervation in the human amygdaloid complex
can offer a useful reference in future studies aimed at analysing putative dysfunctions of this system in diseases involving brain dopamine, such as certain anxiety disorders, Astemizole Parkinson′s disease and schizophrenia. “
“School of Biology, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, Fife, UK Exercise is known to have a strong effect on neuroproliferation in mammals ranging from rodents to humans. Recent studies have also shown that fatty acids and other dietary supplements can cause an upregulation of neurogenesis. It is not known, however, how exercise and diet interact in their effects on adult neurogenesis. We examined neuronal recruitment in multiple telencephalic sites in adult male European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) exposed to a factorial combination of flight exercise, dietary fatty acids and antioxidants. Experimental birds were flown in a wind tunnel following a training regime that mimicked the bird’s natural flight behaviour. In addition to flight exercise, we manipulated the composition of dietary fatty acids and the level of enrichment with vitamin E, an antioxidant reported to enhance neuronal recruitment.