The local level of E2 was 10 times higher for BC in postmenopausal women than the level found in their blood plasma or normal breast tissue. This is consistent with most BC starting due to the produc tion of one or more factors in the breast epithelial cells selleck inhibitor which have the capability of inducing promoter II activity in the surrounding adipose tissue. More research is needed to discover how promoter I. 3 activity is induced and to learn what factors are responsible for inducing pro moter II activity. Aro activity was not observed in normal prostate epi thelial cells, but was observed in the PC cell lines LNCaP, DU145, and PC 3. The level of Aro activity in PC was in the same range as Aro activity in BC. Mice lacking the Aro gene never develop PC. Also, Aro activity was detected in Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries three of four PC tumors that were tested.
The occa sional PC tumor lacking Aro Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries activity can be explained by the PC having ALT, mutated p53, or a mutation that pro motes telomerase activity without requiring Aro activity. These findings are consistent with most PC starting due to the permanent activation of the Aro gene. ER ? and ER ? are known to tend to counteract each other. E2 increased the production of bcl 2 in MCF 7, an ER ? positive cell line of BC. This increase was negated by the addition of OHT, a known antagonist to ER ? in breast tissue. This is consistent with ER ? being responsible for upregulating bcl 2. By applying the princi ple of ER ? acting in opposition to ER ?, then ER ? should downregulate bcl 2 in BC. Mice with a Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries genetic mutation that knocks out ER ? have an overexpression of bcl 2 in their ventral prostate.
This is consistent with ER ? downregulating bcl 2 in PC. In accordance with the principle of ER ? acting in opposi tion to ER ?, then ER ? should upregulate bcl 2 in PC. Membrane estrogen receptor upregulated bcl 2 in the BC Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries line T47D. All of the above is consistent with mER and ER ? upregulating bcl 2 and ER Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries ? downregulat ing bcl 2. More research is needed on the specific hor mone receptors to verify and to quantify these findings. Progesterone receptors Mifepristone, a drug that is antagonistic to pro gesterone receptor A, decreased bcl 2 production in LNCaP, an androgen dependent PC cell line. Production of bcl 2 was decreased even further when pro gesterone was added in addition to RU 486.
This is consistent with PRA upregulating bcl 2 and either proges terone receptor B, membrane progesterone receptor. or both, downregulating bcl 2. However, further experiments must be done on other cell lines, since LNCaP has been shown to have mutated iAR that binds to P and iAR downregulates bcl 2. The extended E D model selleck chemical Erlotinib takes the view that both PRB and mPR downregu late bcl 2 in PC, but further experimentation must be done to verify this. The mutations BRCA1 and BRCA2 have a striking lack of PRB expression in normal breast cells.