(c) The PXRD pattern of the
crystalline SPIONPs. (d) Distribution of the hydrodynamic diameter of SPIONPs. For implanting the colorectal tumors, the injections of the CT-26 cell line were processed through the skin on the backs of 8-week-old mice. Three weeks later, 0.06 emu/g and 100 μl of anti-CEA SPIONPs in water were injected into the tail veins of five mice. Two mice, mouse 1 and mouse 2, were examined using SSB and MRI magnetic instruments. The SSB examination schedule was at the 0th, 14th, 26th, 40th, 68th, and 92nd hours for mouse 1 and at the 0th, 8th, 20th, and 42nd hours for mouse 2. The MRI examination schedule was 4 h later than each SSB examination time. Here, 0th represents the time before injection. Proving that the anti-CEA SPIONPs were bound to the tumor tissue required determining the Fe amount using inductively coupled plasma FDA approval PARP inhibitor (ICP) and
well-known tissue staining methods, such as hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining, Prussian blue (PB) staining, anti-CEA staining, and cluster STI571 concentration of differentiation 31 (CD 31) staining, to examine the tumor tissue of three mice, mouse 3, mouse 4, and mouse 5, which were euthanized at the 0th, 24th, and 98th hours, respectively. The SSB scheme, a novel magnetic handy probe as shown in Figure 2a, has two major parts, the superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) unit and the scanning probe unit. The SQUID unit was composed of a high-T c SQUID sensor (JSQ GmbH, Jülich, Germany) surrounded by an input coil, cooled in liquid nitrogen, and shielded in a set of shielding cans. The scanning Docetaxel manufacturer probe unit was composed of excitation and pickup coils, which were moved by a three-axial step motor. The shielded copper wires were connected to the pickup coils of the scanning probe unit and the input coil of the SQUID unit for flux transfer. Therefore, SSB has the superior advantages of convenient magnetism measurement by moving the scanning probe along
any sample contour. Besides, the measured signal intensity could be amplified by a suitable transfer design. Both are opposite to the complex alignment of the sample under a small SQUID sensor and have a sensitivity limited by the mechanism of the cooing Dewar and the shielding can for a general SQUID system. In addition to the superior sensitivity of several picotesla, the excitation field of 400 Hz and 120 Oe was determined to be safe for animals because of their frequency-strength product being smaller than the criteria of 4.85 × 108 kA/m s [19]. Under the alternating-current (AC) magnetic excitation field, the AC susceptibility of samples resulted in the AC magnetism for SSB examination. Figure 2 SSB examination. (a) The schemes of SSB and its examination of a mouse with a colorectal tumor on its back. (b) The scanning curves at maximum intensity.