Based on previous work the expected censor rate due to sample qua

Based on previous work the expected censor rate due to sample quality and diagnosis was conserva tively estimated at 25%. In this regard an initial patient population of 20 patients provided suffi cient power for statistical significance if 70% of the sam ples were completed in the 5 day targeted time limit. The presumptive KPT-330 Sigma diagnosis of OSA was based on review of limb radiographs or from histology performed pre study. Study dogs were screened and samples collected at Animal Clinical Investigation network clinics. Eth ical approval for this study was granted by the respective Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees at the Van Andel Research Institute, Zoetis and Animal Clinical Investigations.

All procedures and veterinary care provided to each patient was performed by trained veterinary specialists who followed standard clin ical or protocol driven procedures as documented in the study documentation training files. For those patients that met Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the inclusion criteria, the amputation surgery was scheduled at which time Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the tumor collection was performed. The appropriate samples were sent to VARI, processed and submitted to Clinical Reference Labora tory for genomic profiling. Following receipt of the Affymetrix Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries gene expression data from CRL, it was imported into VARIs database and input into the PMed analysisreporting system. The PMed report was then distributed to ACI, who further distributed to Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the col lection sites and obtained responses to a questionnaire regarding the clinical utility of the provided PMed report.

Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries Study eligibility Once written owner consent had been obtained by the clinical site, inclusionexclusion criteria, patient demog raphy and physical exam data were evaluated by the in vestigator. Ivacaftor EC50 If not previously performed, diseased limb radiographs and interpretation and abdominal thoracic radiographs were performed, evaluated and results recorded. Patients that met the study inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study and amputation scheduled. Site training Prior to the start of the study, training was provided to each of the participating veterinary practices with regards to the sampling of the tumor from the ampu tated limbs. Specific instructions were provided as to where best to harvest tumor tissue to minimize normal tissue contamination and bone involvement which could complicate downstream procedures, e. g. cryo sectioning of snap frozen tissue for RNA extraction and H E sec tioning. The primary site of harvest was designated as grossly viable, unmixed tissue present at the advancing front of the tumor. This site was commonly identified outside of the marrow space, and was evident in the ma jority of cases. The medullary cavity was identified as the secondary site of harvest.

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