At follow-up, patients rate the level of goal achievement. Further testing of reliability and validity of SAGA is needed prior to recommendation for use in clinical trials. Patient satisfaction is more sensitive to change than QOL measures in clinical trials of other diseases.28 High levels of satisfaction are also associated with good health status and fewer medical encounters.39 Patient satisfaction with OAB treatment has also been shown to be associated with compliance with medical therapy.40 Future Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical studies that utilize the questionnaires evaluating satisfaction with OAB therapy based on goals may help us to parse which OAB treatments are more efficacious from a satisfaction standpoint.
This would allow us to individualize therapy and increase satisfaction and persistence with therapy, resulting in reduced costs for provider visits, less loss of productivity, and decreased use of sanitary garments. Efficacy and Effect Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical on Quality of Life: Oxybutynin Gel In evaluating effects on QOL, a number of factors need to be considered in addition
to efficacy. Adverse events (particularly dry mouth and constipation), perceived benefit, pill burden, complexity of dosing schedule, memory lapses, and adverse events all affect patient satisfaction and adherence to medications. With objective clinical improvements being similar for currently available OAB medications, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical it is likely that adverse events, pill burden, and complexity of scheduling will drive satisfaction. In this regard, transdermal medications offer an advantage in certain patients as they may result in improved satisfaction due to no increase in pill Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical burden, fewer adverse events due to avoidance of first-pass metabolism, ease of use, and simplicity of scheduling.40,41 Transdermal oxybutynin check details formulations
have shown the lowest incidence of antimuscarinic side effects of the drugs for OAB. Transdermal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical patches have been shown to be preferred by caregivers over capsules in the treatment of Alzheimer’s due to satisfaction with ease of administration and less interference with daily life.42 This may also be the case with OAB therapy, but further investigation is needed. The newest formulation of oxybutynin, transdermal gel, has been shown to be effective for the treatment of OAB with very low side effects. In the pivotal trial, Staskin and colleagues showed statistically significant improvements in key parameters of urgency, many urinary incontinence, and urinary frequency versus placebo.43 The mean number of urge incontinence episodes decreased significantly in patients treated with the topical gel formulation than in those given placebo (−3.0 vs −2.5 per day; P < .0001) and mean urinary frequency decreased (−2.7 per day; P < .0017). In addition, voided volume increased (21.0 mL; P < .0018) significantly in the oxybutynin gel versus placebo (−2.0 per day and 3.8 mL, respectively). Antimuscarinic side effects were low, with treatment related dry mouth at 6.9% and constipation at 1.3%.