Ascosporae ellipsoideae, utrinque rotundatae, septo latissimae, h

Ascosporae ellipsoideae, utrinque rotundatae, septo learn more latissimae, hyalinae, in medio uniseptatae; (15–)17–19(–21) × (5–)6(–7) µm; maturitate appendicibus cylindricis terminalibus Poziotinib solubility dmso elongatis, 5.5–7 µm latis, (8–)15–20(–30) µm longis. Conidiomata brunnea ad atrobrunnea, acervularia ad pycnidialia, subglobosa ad late ovoidea, subcuticularia ad epidermalia, discreta, 2–4 strata texturae angularis medio brunneae composita, (170–)180–200(–230) µm lata, (150–)170–190(–220) µm alta. Conidiophora nulla. Cellulae conidiogenae enteroblasticaliter proliferentes, phialidis similes tunica periclinaliter incrassata

colluloque, vel parte apicali percurrenter proliferentes, hyalinae, glabrae, cylindricae ad ampulliformes, rectae vel leniter curvatae, (6–)8–12(–15) × 2–4(–6) µm. Conidia holoblastica, hyalina, guttulata, glabra, cassitunicata, ellipsoidea,

continua, this website apice obtuso, leniter curvata, basi hilo plano protrudente angustata, (15–)17–19(–23) × (6.5–)7–8(–8.5) µm. Etymology: Name refers to the fact that the fungus occurs on Eucalyptus. Leaf spots amphigenous, subcircular to irregular, medium brown with blackish brown, reverse medium brown, 3–20 mm diam, surrounded by a purple-brown margin, which is dark brown in reverse. Mycelium immersed, consisting of smooth, septate, branched, medium brown, 2–3.5 µm wide hyphae. Ascomata epigenous immersed to semi-immersed, intra- or subepidermal, visible as minute ostiolar dots, depressed globose or elliptical, coriaceous, (90–)100–130(–170) µm wide, (120–)130–150(–190) µm high, dark brown to black; ostiole lateral, beaked, (50–)60–65(–70) µm wide, papillate, up to 105 µm long, periphysate; wall consisting of 2–4 layers of dark brown textura angularis. Asci aparaphysate, unitunicate, 8-spored, apically rounded, subcylindrical to long obovoid, sessile or subsessile in young asci, slightly curved, with non-amyloid subapical

ring, (60–)65–70(–80) × (10–)11–13(–14) µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, tapering to rounded ends, widest at septum, hyaline, bi- to tri-seriate overlapping, fasciculate, medianly 1-euseptate; not constricted at the septum, with 1–2 large guttules in each cell, thin-walled, straight, (15–)17–19(–21) × (5–)6(–7) µm; Fenbendazole with hyaline, cylindrical appendages at both polar ends at maturity, expanded at the base, tapering towards the apex, 5.5–7 µm wide, (8–)15–20(–30) µm long. Conidiomata medium to dark brown, acervular to pycnidial, with pale yellow drops of exuding conidia (at times forming a short cirrus); subglobose to broadly ovoid, subcuticular to epidermal, separate, consisting of 2–4 layers of medium brown textura angularis, (170–)180–200(–230) µm wide, (150–)170–190(–220) µm high; wall 15–20 µm thick, with central rupture, breaking through plant tissue, (50–)60–80(–100) µm wide. Conidiophores absent.

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