” Aren’t creationists right when they say that a central feature

” Aren’t creationists right when they say that a central feature of a liberal education is to

acquaint the student with various points of view? The flaw in this suggestion is the following. In other disciplines (philosophy, theology, political science, economics, etc.), there exists more than one legitimate school of thought. In science, however, there is only one correct explanation for each physical phenomenon. Phlogiston theory is not a “different point of view” to explain the rusting of metals, to which “the student should be exposed to give him a liberal education.” Phlogiston theory is wrong! Chemical oxidation is the only correct explanation for rusting. Similarly, caloric theory is wrong! And the ether theory is wrong! Therefore, these Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical incorrect theories are never taught in the science classroom, except perhaps to explain to the student why these theories are wrong. It should be noted that Newton’s mechanics Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is not wrong. Rather, Newtonian mechanics is a highly accurate approximation to Einstein’s theory of relativity

and to quantum theory (except for extremely high speeds or extremely tiny particles). In fact, Newton’s theory is so accurate over such a wide range of circumstances that every student of physics is required to learn Newtonian mechanics. In complete contrast to this situation, caloric theory, phlogiston theory, and ether theory are not approximations to some correct Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical theory. They are simply wrong. HISTORICAL PRECEDENTS FOR ID Intelligent Design is not a new concept. Ancient peoples observed phenomena that seemed completely inexplicable to them, and they postulated supernatural beings (analogous to today’s Intelligent Designer) to explain

these phenomena. Raging seas, towering waves, daily tides, terrifying hurricanes – all these Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical seemed to have no possible explanation other than the activities of the “god of the seas.” The dazzling sun, whose brilliance provides the light, heat and energy that makes life on earth possible, seemed to have no explanation other than the “sun god.” The list goes on and on, accounting for the vast pantheon of gods that characterized the ancient world. The ancients asked sophisticated questions about the world in which they lived. If their questions seem primitive today, it is only in the hindsight of modern science. Florfenicol Consider the following example. I am holding a pen. If I let go, the pen will fall to the floor. Already at age four, my grandson knows that if he lets go of his ball, it will fall. Everyone knows that an object falls unless held up by some entity. That’s just IOX2 concentration common sense. The ancients asked: Why does the earth itself not fall? They answered that the reason must be because the earth is being held up by some divine entity, a god whom the Greeks named Atlas. Moreover, they understood that one cannot ask: Why does Atlas not fall? As a god, Atlas was not bound by the laws of falling; he may remain suspended at will.

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