Purified RNA concentration was measured using a Nanodrop spectrop

Purified RNA concentration was measured using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer at 260 nm. The quality of purified RNA was checked with a 50 ng/μl sample by using a BioAnalyser. DNA-microarray analysis DNA-microarrays containing amplicons of 5200 EPZ-6438 in vivo annotated genes in the genome of B. cereus ATCC 14579 were designed and produced selleck as described previously [31]. Slide spotting, slide treatment after spotting, and slide quality control were performed as described elsewhere [30]. Data were analysed essentially as described before [32]. Each ORF is represented by duplicate spots on the array. After hybridization, fluorescent

signals were quantified with the ArrayPro analyser, and processed with Micro-Prep [31]. Statistical analysis was performed using CyberT [33]. Genes with a Bayes P-value below 1.0 × 10-4 with at least twofold differential expression were considered to be significantly affected. Microarray data has been deposited in Gene Expression Omnibus database (GSM412591). Quantitative RT-PCR Following RNA purification, samples were treated with RNase-free DNase I (Fermentas) for 60 min at 37°C in DNaseI buffer (10 mmol·l-1 Tris·HCl (pH7.5), 2.5 mmol·l-1 MgCl2, 0.1 mmol·l-1 CaCl2). Samples were purified with the Roche RNA isolation Kit.

Reverse transcription was performed with 50 pmol random nonamers on 1 μg of total RNA using RevertAid™ H Minus M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase (Fermentas). Quantification of cDNA was performed on an iCycler iQ (BioRad) using iQ SYBR Green Supermix. The following primers were used: for BC4207, qBCE5 (5′-GAGCAACAAATGGAAGAACTG-3′) and qBCE6 (5′-TGTTTGAGTTGGTAAAGCTG-3′), GSI-IX for BC4028 qBCE7 (5′-CTCCATTTAATTGAGGGTGAG-3′) and qBCE8 (5′-GTTTCCTGTCTATCTCTTTCCA-3′) and for rpoA gene of B. cereus, qBCE3 (5′-CGTGGATATGGTACTACTTTGG-3′)

and qBCE4 (5′-TTCTACTACGCCCTCAACTG-3′). The amount of BC4207 and BC4028 cDNA was normalized to the level of rpoA cDNA using the 2-ΔΔCt method [34]. Overexpression of the BC4207, BC4147 and BC4744 proteins BC4207, BCKDHA BC4147 and BC4744 genes were amplified with oMJGB3 (5′-GATCGAAGCTTACGGTAAATAACTTATTACAG-3′) and oMJGB4 (5′-GATCCAGGCATGCTCACGTCAACAATTAACTTT-3′), oBCE9 (5′-CATATAGGAGTAATGATATG-3′) and oBCE10 (5′-AGAGAAGATACGGCATAG-3′), oBCE11 (5′-TACAAGGAGTTGCTTTATGG-3′) and oBCE11 (5′-TTATATCGGCGCAACTAC-3′), respectively. PCR products were cloned into the Eco47III site of pLM5 vector [35], resulting in pATK33, pATK49 and pATK411, respectively. Plasmids were introduced into the B. cereus ATCC14579 and B. subtilis 168 strains by electroporation [36] and natural transformation [37], respectively. IPTG was used at a final concentration of 1 mM to induce the overexpression of proteins. Biological activity Antimicrobial activities of bacteriocins were determined as minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values against various Bacilli following previous practice [38].

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