) 29 168 Anthocyanins (mg) 0 96.6 Phenolic acid (mg) 0.6 26 Flavanoids (mg) 0 10.2 Vitamin C (mg) 39.5 45 Vitamin E (mg) 1 3 Values reported per 100 mL beverage. The amount of blueberry fruit used in each serving (200 g) was based upon a similar study by Serfini et al.[21], but also considered palatability, avoidance of gastrointestinal upset (often occurring with high intake of fructose found in fruit), and the possibility of hypoglycemia
later during the day. Timing and frequency of intake (3 times on day of damage; one with each meal, and 1 each morning for the following two mornings) was decided more for the sake of convenience with subjects coming to the laboratory in the morning Proteases inhibitor JQEZ5 mouse for performance and blood measures taken whilst post-absorptive. Eccentric (muscle damaging) exercise The range of motion was set at 60° from maximal knee flexion (0°) to 60° extension (using the dynamometers inbuilt goniometer), with repetitions being performed at an angular velocity of 30°/sec a range and speed proven to effectively bring about a high level of muscle damage and subsequent soreness [22]. Subjects performed 3 sets of 100 eccentric repetitions of the quadriceps muscle. Each set was separated by 5 minutes of passive recovery during which time subjects remained Tozasertib seated on
the dynamometer and were allowed water. During the sets subjects were encouraged to exert maximal effort through the full range of motion, resisting the downward pull of the dynamometer arm. The torque they produced was displayed on the computer screen to which they had full visual access during the duration of the exercise. Muscle function testing Subjects were required to complete a 5 minute warm-up on a bicycle ergometer (Monark, Varberg,
Sweden) at 100 W prior to all performance tests. Upon completion, the subject was seated on the Florfenicol isokinetic dynamometer at the previously recorded seat adjustments so that the femoral epicondyle was aligned with the dynamometer’s axis of rotation and the ankle strap positioned 5 cm proximal to the medial malleolus. Along with the ankle, straps were placed around the chest, hips and the leg to be tested in order to isolate the quadriceps muscle. Range of motion of the leg was set at 60° for concentric and eccentric contractions, and at 75° for isometric contractions, which allowed the weight of the leg to be determined. The subject then performed 5 maximal contractions of each type with each set separated by two minutes of passive recovery. Concentric and eccentric torque was measured at an angular velocity of 30 /sec [8]. Absolute peak torque/tension (PT); the peak torque out of the 5 contractions and average peak torque/tension (APT); the average peak torques taken from the 5 contractions were recorded.