As shown in Table 2, the assignments of the 11 exceptional genes based on the occurrence of the four major peptides were consistent with the clusters in the phylogenetic analysis, rather than their authentic genomes. Protein subunit ADM96154 clustered in group 1 contained only peptides glia-α9 and glia-α20, whereas the other 10 protein subunits in group 2 contained only glia-α or even lacked all four immunogenic peptides. Selleck Cabozantinib They would accordingly be expected to be located on chromosome 6A and 6B, rather than on their actual D or A genomes, based on
the quantity and distribution of the four major peptides. In addition, compared to the general number of no more than 27 glutamine residues in the first glutamine repeat, LBH589 mw much larger glutamine repeats I with 38 or even 66 glutamine residues were also detected in the three protein subunits
ABQ96115, ABQ96118 and ABQ96119. In summary, these findings suggest that the distribution of the four immunodominant epitopes in α-gliadins is indeed distinct for each genome in most cases, whereas the wild genetic resources of T. monococcum and Ae. tauschii harbored extensive genetic diversity and some exceptional genes. To ascertain their molecular functions, the secondary structures of the mature protein subunits of the 22 deduced α-gliadins in this study, as well as the other 176 typical α-gliadin genes derived from common wheat and its diploid or tetraploid relatives, were predicted with the latest online version (3.3)
of the PSIPRED server. The results showed that the numbers of α-helices and β-strands, as well as the amino acid residues involved in each conserved α-helix and β-strand, were always variable in different proteins, though their positions and core sequences were relatively conserved. The types, positions and distributions of the α-helices and β-strands in the 198 Histamine H2 receptor predicted α-gliadins are displayed in Table 3. A diagram summarizing the secondary structure of typical α-gliadins on the basis of these results is given in Fig. 4. According to the absence or presence of the relatively conserved β-strand (S) in the C-terminal unique domain II, the secondary structures of α-gliadins can be classified into types I and II, and each type can be subdivided into eight groups on the basis of the positions of the absent or extra α-helix and β-strand involved. Among them, 32.32% of the α-gliadins belonged to type I, which contained only 4–7 α-helices, whereas 67.68% of the α-gliadins formed 1–2 β-strands in addition to the 4–7 α-helices and belonged to type II (Fig. 4 and Table 3). Generally, secondary structures were infrequent (2.53%) and were found in the N-terminal repetitive domain (HE1). Five conserved α-helices (H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5) were nearly always (98.