4 and BCG were transported to Lamp+-compartments BCG and TB10 4

4 and BCG were transported to Lamp+-compartments. BCG and TB10.4 however, were directed to different types of Lamp+-compartments in the same APC, which may lead to different epitope recognition patterns. In conclusion, we show that different vectors can induce completely different recognition of the same protein. The size, shape and nature of a synthetic recombinant vaccine and its target pathogen differ MAPK Inhibitor Library manufacturer significantly.

For instance, bacteria are typically in the range of 0.5–10 μm in diameter, which exceed the size of most viruses by 10 to 100-fold, and protein based adjuvanted vaccines are even smaller. In addition, compared with vaccines based on recombinant proteins and an adjuvant, pathogens are often taken up by different mechanisms Sirolimus purchase by the cells of the immune system 1. The different uptake mechanisms could lead to different intracellular processing of Ag, giving rise to different epitopes 1. Furthermore, live pathogens express a wide range of specific lipids and proteins that bind

a variety of pattern-recognition receptors on phagocytes and induce signaling through these receptors, whereas recent evidence suggests subunit vaccines more specifically tend to target DC through activation of toll-like receptors 2. These differences are likely to lead to different responses with regard to the priming of the early immune response 3. For instance, the main host cell of the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), the causative agent of tuberculosis in humans, is thought to be macrophages 4; however, although mycobacteria are mainly taken up by macrophages, mycobacteria

can infect a wide range of cells including neutrophils, epithelial cells and other cell types 5, 6. On the other hand, viral vaccine vectors have been shown to be ingested largely by immature DC 1, and soluble Ag formulated in cationic adjuvants such as CAF01 or IC31 are also believed to target DC 7, 8. Different types of APC have different mechanisms of Ag uptake, different pH levels in lysosomal compartments, express different protein Cepharanthine degrading enzymes and differ in their ability to process and cross-present Ag to MHC class I molecules 9. Even within the same type of APC, Ag uptake and intracellular transport may vary depending on the size and nature of the Ag/pathogen 1, 9. In addition, transport to different intracellular compartments can lead to processing of different epitopes 10. Thus, it is likely that different pathogens and vaccine vectors could result in different Ag processing. In the field of tuberculosis vaccine research, there has been considerable focus on identifying infection-driven as well as vaccine-induced epitopes in vaccine candidate Ag 11–15. Less research has focused on comparing whether the epitopes induced by immunization in fact differ from those recognized following infection with M.tb.

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