131 Other therapeutic uses for clonidine have included its use in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal, for which it appears to reduce many of the adrenergic symptoms associated with such withdrawal132,133; however, as with
pblockers, clonidine is best used – if at all – as an adjunctive agent, as there is no evidence that this agent in effective in reducing rates of seizure, psychosis, or delirium associated with alcohol withdrawal.134-136 Clonidine has been used in the treatment of Tourette’s syndrome (TS). It is moderately effective in reducing tics and other symptoms of this disorder.137-140 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Finally, use of clonidine has also been reported in a variety of other conditions, including Korsakoff’s syndrome (a neuropsychiatrie syndrome caused by thiamine deficiency),141,142 bipolar Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical mania,143 and conduct disorder,144 though there is AUY922 insufficient evidence to adequately assess the benefits of clonidine in these conditions. Bottom line: Clonidine is consistently associated with fatigue and sedation; delirium is infrequently associated with its use. Clonidine also has several therapeutic Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical uses for neuropsychiatrie disorders, serving as a first- or second-line treatment for ADHD andTourette’s syndrome; it is also commonly used to reduce symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Methyldopa Methyldopa
is infrequently used in clinical practice, except in patients with pregnancy-induced hypertension. It may reduce blood pressure via central α2 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical agonism, and may also act as a false (norepinephrine) neurotransmitter.47,123 As with many cardiovascular agents, the most common neuropsychiatrie consequences of
methyldopa use are sedation and fatigue; a comprehensive review by Paykel and colleagues123 found that sedation occurs in approximately one third of methyldopa-treated patients, with high rates Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of associated fatigue. For example, Le vine and colleagues found that patients treated with methyldopa had lower self-reported quality of life and vitality than did those taking captopril in a 24-week trial,145 and a similar trial found that patients on methyldopa showed more fatigue than did those on captopril.146 Impaired concentration and decreased performance on measures of neuropsychological functioning have been reported Thiamine-diphosphate kinase with methyldopa,147,148 though a more recent trial found no cognitive impairment with methyldopa compared with five other antihypertensives;149 such cognitive effects may be due to sedation. However, perhaps the best-known neuropsychological consequence of methyldopa use is depression. It appears that depressive symptoms may occur more frequently with methyldopa than with most other antihypertensive agents, and it is thought that this effect may be related to reduced norepinephrine levels.