From the images of the cross section, we can observe that the CZTS films were very dense and compact without cracks. The thickness of two CZTS films was about 2 μm. The SEM results illuminated that the thickness and compactness of the wurtzite and kesterite CZTS films were very similar in our experiments. Figure 2 SEM images of CZTS NCs films. (a) Top view and (b) cross section of the wurtzite film. (c) Top view and (d) cross section of the kesterite film with sintering at 500°C for 30 min. The electrocatalytic activity of CZTS CEs under the I-/I3 – electrochemical system
using a three-electrode system was investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV) (shown in Figure 3). The cyclic voltammograms of I-/I3 – redox reaction on different CZTS CEs are similar; two pairs of redox peaks (Ox-1/Red-1, Ox-2/Red-2) are observed. As we knew, the peak currents and the peak-to-peak (Ox-1 to Red-1) separation (Epp) are two important parameters for catalytic activities [26–28]. From Figure 3 and Table 1, the higher peak current density and lower Epp value reveal that the wurtzite CZTS film as CE material is a remarkable electrochemical LCZ696 solubility dmso catalyst for the reduction of I3 -, even better than the Pt CE. At the same
time, the lower peak currents and larger Epp illustrate that the electrocatalytic activity of the kesterite CZTS is inferior to that of wurtzite CZTS. Since all of the Epp are more than 30 mV, the reaction of the I-/I3 – redox couple at the CE/electrolyte interface should be a quasi-reversible electrode process. Figure 3 Cyclic voltammograms of different CEs with a scan rate of 50 mV s -1 . Table 1 Photovoltaic parameters and fitted MK5108 molecular weight impedance parameters CEs Thickness (μm) J sc(mA/cm2) V oc(V) FF (%) PCE (%) R s(Ω cm2) R ct(Ω cm2) Epp (V) Pt 0.10 11.43 0.78 69.84 6.23 15.91 2.92 0.536 Wurtzite 2.12 13.41 0.75 68.69 6.89 16.20 2.78 0.528
Kesterite 2.20 10.20 0.73 65.72 4.89 17.02 3.56 0.760 Photovoltaic parameters for various DSSCs fabricated using different counter electrodes and the fitted impedance parameters Dynein extracted from fabricated symmetric cells are as follows: J sc, short-circuit current density; V oc , open-circuit voltage; FF, fill factor; R s , series resistance; R ct , charge transfer resistance. The performance of CE materials in DSSC devices depends not only on its catalytic activity, but also on the electrical conductivity [29, 30]. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is an effective and widely used tool for investigating the charge transfer process and thereby for evaluating the catalytic activity of a catalyst [31]. Figure 4 shows the Nyquist plots for the devices with wurtzite and kesterite CZTS CEs. The high-frequency intercept on the real axis corresponds to the series resistance (R s). The first semicircle at the high-frequency region arises from the charge transfer property (R ct).