These five 3a swine HEV isolates were closest to reported HEV isolates of Japanese origin, with the highest nucleotide sequence identity being 92.0–97.3%. A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the common 412-nt ORF2 sequence of representative human and animal HEV isolates of Japanese or non-Japanese origin, including those obtained in the present study, and the 12 swine HEV isolates obtained in the present study (Fig. 2). As illustrated in Figure 2, swJLMie152 and swJLMie193 were most closely related to HE-JA12-0483 and HE-JA12-0940, find more and formed a cluster supported by a high bootstrap value of 99%. Of note, the predominant HEV strains of subgenotype
3e recovered from 10 hepatitis E patients segregated into a cluster supported by a bootstrap value of 99%. The HE-JA07-0229 isolate
obtained from patient 3 segregated into a cluster within genotype 4, consisting of Chinese human and swine HEV isolates, with a high bootstrap value of 94% (Fig. 3). This finding indicates the Chinese origin of the HE-JA07-0229 isolate and the importation of this isolate through travel to China by patient 3. The observed phylogenetic relationship between the 17 human HEV strains obtained from hepatitis E patients in Mie and the 12 swine HEV strains obtained from liver specimens in the present study was confirmed by another phylogenetic tree constructed based on the ORF1 412-nt sequence (Fig. 4). In the present study, polyphyletic HEV strains were isolated from patients with sporadic acute hepatitis E between 2004 and 2012 in Mie prefecture (Fig. 1), including European-type subgenotype 3e HEV strains, which accounted for 65% (11/17) of the total strains isolated, followed by subgenotype 3b strains (n = 4) and genotype 4 strains (n = 2). These results confirmed our previous studies with this website small numbers of patients reporting the predominance of rare subgenotype 3e strains in Mie.[16, 17] Furthermore, the present study
revealed that raw pig liver sold in local grocery stores in Mie was contaminated with HEV at a frequency of 4.9% (12/243). Although 3e HEV strains were not identified from the purchased pig liver packages in the present study, two swine strains from the pig liver specimens and two human strains from the hepatitis E patients in Mie, belonging to subgenotype 3b, were found to be closely related to each other, with nucleotide sequence identities of 99.5–100%, suggesting the importance of pigs as reservoirs for HEV infection in humans, including the recent cases in Mie. Nationwide surveys revealed that genotype 3 is the most prevalent HEV genotype infecting humans, swine and wild boars in Japan.[14] Japan-indigenous genotype 3 HEV strains are divided into two major subgenotypes (3a and 3b); one minor subgenotype (3e); and a few other unassigned lineages.