0 (StatSoft, 2004) software The predation rate on the two tadpol

0 (StatSoft, 2004) software. The predation rate on the two tadpole species differed between the treatments due to the predator type and to the tadpoles’ antipredator mechanism (Table 1, Fig. 1). The rate of mortality of E. nattereri was higher RXDX-106 molecular weight than that of R. schneideri when the fish was the predator (Enatfish=97.92%±7.22; Rschfish=3.12%±2.64), whereas R. schneideri was consumed at higher rates in the dragonfly treatment (Enatdragonfly=78.33%±21.67; Rschdragonfly=92.5%±9.65). Overall, these results indicate that the rate of tadpole predation was influenced by the interaction of

the predator type and the tadpole antipredator mechanisms (Table 1, Fig. 1). The mortality of E. nattereri tadpoles was higher LY2109761 cell line than the mortality of R. schneideri tadpoles irrespective of fish experience (Enatmortality rate=75.47%±22.70, Rschmortality rate=1.72%±2.54; Table 2, Fig. 2). Although we were unable to detect any significant difference in tadpole mortality solely based on fish experience (Enatinexperienced=67.81%±26.54, Enatexperienced=83.12%±16.30, Rschinexperienced=3.44%±2.65, Rschexperienced=0.00%±0.00; Table 2, Fig. 2), the interaction between the tadpole’s antipredator mechanism and the fish’s experience differed between the treatments (Table 2, Fig. 2). In our experiments,

fish preyed selectively on E. nattereri, avoiding the unpalatable R. schneideri tadpoles. Odonate larvae were more efficient in preying on the more active R. schneideri tadpoles, consuming fewer E. nattereri tadpoles, which presented cryptic behavior. Therefore, the efficiency of the antipredator mechanism, measured by the mortality rate, was affected by the type of predator, being the unpalatability significantly more

efficient in deterring 上海皓元医药股份有限公司 predation by fish than by odonate predators, whereas cryptic behavior was more efficient against the odonate predator. Differences in predatory behavior, such as prey detection thresholds, foraging mode and manipulation time, affect the efficiency of tadpoles’ defense mechanisms and allow the establishment of behavioral trade-offs between predators and prey (Peckarsky, 1984; Wellborn et al., 1996; Skelly, 1997). For example, both fish and dragonfly larva are visually oriented predators, but fish can detect prey from a greater distance and are more efficient to detect immobile prey than can dragonfly larvae (Wellborn et al., 1996) which makes cryptic behavior more efficient against dragonfly larvae than against fish. In contrast, like some other odonate species (Ballengée & Sessions, 2009; F. Nomura, unpubl. data), the Aeshna sp. larvae that we used in our experiments were able to prey on unpalatable tadpoles by selectively feeding on the palatable parts as opposed to the unpalatable ones. This behavior allowed the odonate larvae to prey on tadpoles that were unpalatable and selectively avoided by fish, which makes unpalatability more efficient against the fish than against the dragonfly larvae.

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