Acquiring the learned response during trace conditioning requires more training trials than training with VLD conditioning (Nokia et al., 2012), and learning becomes
even more difficult as the length of the temporal gap increases (Waddell et al., 2011). Thus, trace conditioning is both dependent on the hippocampus and difficult to master. Each of these factors seems to predict which cognitive tasks are disrupted by chemotherapy (Vardy & Tannock, 2007) and/or reduced neurogenesis (Shors et al., 2001, 2002). According to our current results, chemotherapy did not affect the retention or expression of a memory that was acquired early in treatment. These data are consistent IWR-1 supplier with those suggesting that, over time, the memory for a learned response acquired during trace eyeblink conditioning becomes independent of the hippocampus, and instead relies on neocortical structures for long-term storage (Takehara DAPT research buy et al., 2003). Others have reported that
the new hippocampal neurons that, when still immature, encode a memory during the initial learning experience are needed for the retrieval of that memory later on, when the cells have matured (Arruda-Carvalho et al., 2011). However, it may be that only certain types of long-term memory are dependent on new hippocampal neurons, and others, such as those obtained during trace eyeblink conditioning, are not. Chemotherapy disrupts a limited set of cognitive functions, and the subjective experience of decline often surpasses that measured by neuropsychological tests (Vardy & Tannock,
2007). The symptoms of ‘chemobrain’ Lumacaftor purchase consist of deficits in attention, learning, working memory, and executive function, as well as an overall reduction in processing speed. In congruence with this, prolonged TMZ treatment reduced endogenous hippocampal theta activity in rats, presumably reflecting a decrease in ‘attention’ or alertness. Previous studies have indicated that the higher the proportion of theta activity before training, the better and faster one will learn (Berry & Thompson, 1978; Guderian et al., 2009; Nokia et al., 2009, 2012). Prolonged TMZ treatment disrupted hippocampal theta-band responses induced by the CS during trace eyeblink conditioning, a task that the chemotherapy-treated animals were unable to learn. In both animals (Hoffmann & Berry, 2009; Nokia et al., 2009) and humans (Lega et al., 2012), hippocampal theta-band responses have been associated with successful encoding of episodic memories. Furthermore, synchronous oscillatory activity in the theta-band is suggested to mediate information flow between functionally related brain regions during learning and memory retrieval (Hoffmann & Berry, 2009; Duzel et al., 2010; Jutras & Buffalo, 2010; Sauseng et al., 2010; Wikgren et al., 2010).