To demonstrate the usefulness of such a relation, we show below

To demonstrate the usefulness of such a relation, we show below

a two-stage algorithm for estimating POM. We took the average value of POM/SPM for our whole dataset (0.795) as the boundary value to help distinguish between the two classes of particle populations. We classified particle populations with POM/SPM > 0.795 as class I (or organic-dominated class), and particle populations with POM/SPM < 0.795 as class II (or mixed class). On the basis of this division we were able to calculate a pair of relationships similar to that in equation Alectinib cell line (2). For class I particles (organic-dominated class) the first relationship takes the form equation(6a) POM=1.62[bp(650)]0.901(r2=0.76;MNB=7.4%;NRMSE=45.8%;n=148),and SB431542 price for class II (mixed sample class) the second relationship is as follows: equation(6b) POM=1.27[bp(650)]0.766(r2=0.70;MNB=9.5%;NRMSE=57.3%;n=75).Having established the above relations, we construct a two-stage algorithm to estimate POM. In the first step we propose using the values of ap(440) and ap(400) and equation (5) to estimate POM/SPM, and on the basis of this estimated value, to classify our particular case as class I or class II. Then, in the second step, we can calculate the value of POM according to equation (6a) or (6b), depending on the result of the first step of the classification.

Here we must bear in mind that in certain situations the first step of this procedure may mean that some cases will be erroneously classified as class I or class II (because of the statistical nature of equation (5) used in the classification). This will obviously lead to a partial Etofibrate deterioration of the overall quality of the proposed two-stage procedure. Nevertheless, this overall quality may be statistically

accessed in the same manner as was done in the case of the one-step procedure (i.e. equation (4)), by calculating the corresponding values of MNB and NRMSE. In fact, our two-stage procedure for estimating POM resulted in the following values: MNB = 7.9% and NRMSE = 49.4% (number of observations n = 220). This means that by using the proposed two-stage procedure instead of the simple formula given by equation (4), we obtain improved values of MNB and NRMSE (compare values of 7.9% with 9.2%, and 49.4% with 56%). That suggests that the two-stage procedure for estimating POM might be worth implementing in situations where the particle composition (in terms of POM/SPM) is expected to vary significantly. This two-stage procedure is given only for the estimation of POM values. Admittedly, we also attempted to construct similar two-stage procedures for estimating SPM, Chl a and POC, but we were unable to achieve a significant improvement in the estimates compared to simple relations presented earlier ( equations (1), (2) and (3)). Finally, we have to stress once again that the formulas and procedure presented above ((1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6a)) are merely examples.

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