In the DDM, the decision process ends when the accumulating decis

In the DDM, the decision process ends when the accumulating decision variable reaches a fixed bound. Accordingly, when the decision variable is aligned

in time to the end of the decision process, all of the curves should converge at a common level, regardless of their rate see more of rise (Figure 3B). Certain FEF and LIP neurons show this behavior (Figure 3F; Ding and Gold, 2012a and Roitman and Shadlen, 2002). However, caudate activity does not (Ding and Gold, 2010; Figure 3D). Instead of converging to a peak level of activity that immediately precedes saccades, average caudate responses converge on a value that is lower than the peak activity achieved during motion viewing. Together, these results imply that the caudate’s contributions to the formation of the decision variable might be limited to early in the decision process. These contributions can causally affect the outcome of the ongoing decision process. To establish this causal role, we used electrical microstimulation in the caudate to bias both the choices and RTs of monkeys performing the dots task (Ding and Gold, 2012b). In relation to the DDM, these effects had two distinguishable components. One component reflected a bias in nonperceptual processes, such that nondecision BGB324 in vitro times (i.e., the components of the monkey’s RT that were not accounted for by the DDM-like decision process, probably

including basic sensory and motor processing) increased for ipsilateral choices and decreased for contralateral choices. This result is consistent with the basal ganglia’s known role in facilitating saccadic eye movements to contralateral targets. The second component Parvulin included a decrease/increase in the total amount of accumulated evidence required for ipsilateral/contralateral choices. This component can be interpreted as a caudate-mediated offset in

the value of the decision variable in the DDM and was similar to results from LIP microstimulation, albeit opposite in sign (LIP microstimulation tended to cause a bias toward contralateral choices; Hanks et al., 2006). Neural activity reminiscent of an offset in the initial value of the decision variable was also observed in a small subpopulation of caudate neurons (Ding and Gold, 2010). This type of activity emerges early, well before motion onset. As illustrated in Figure 4A, a positive starting value reduces the total amount of evidence required for the choice with positive decision bound, thus making it more likely for the decision variable to cross that bound and creating a choice bias. This biasing effect is more profound when stimulus strength is low. In other words, on more difficult trials, in which low-coherence motion stimuli do not provide much evidence for either choice, the relative magnitude of the starting value is more predictive of the monkey’s subsequent saccadic choice.

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