g., Figure 1B). A sizeable fraction of cells however showed a combinatorial coding of both the attended location and the bar release. Some of the cells, like that shown in Figure 4C, Screening Library cell assay responded selectively if the “E” was
in their receptive field and instructed release of the left bar; other cells had the complementary preference, responding best if the “E” was in their receptive field and instructed release of the left bar (not shown). These manual modulations were not free-standing limb motor responses but modulatory effects on visual selection (i.e., the effects were not seen if a distractor appeared in the receptive field; Figure 4C, right), a conclusion consistent with the later finding that reversible inactivation produced visual but not skeletal motor defects ( Balan and Gottlieb, 2009). These findings are difficult to explain in a purely visual framework that casts target selection as a disembodied bias term (Figure 1B). They are also puzzling in an action based framework that asks whether parietal areas are involved in skeletal or ocular actions ( Snyder et al., 2000). However, neural responses with combinatorial
(mixed) properties are hallmarks of goal-directed cognitive control ( Rigotti et al., 2010), and in the context of information selection may embody the bank of knowledge that is necessary for selecting cues. These results therefore raise the important question of how target selection interfaces with frontal processes of executive control Selleckchem BI2536 and with visual learning mechanisms that assign meaning to visual cues ( Albright, 2012; Freedman and Assad, 2011; Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II Mirabella et al., 2007). One important question is what these complex responses imply for the nature of top-down control. Is the attentional feedback from the parietal lobe only carried by neurons with simple spatial responses, consistent with current assumptions that it only carries spatial information (e.g., Figure 1B)? Or, alternatively, does
the top-down feedback carry higher bandwidth information regarding both stimuli and actions, conveyed by neurons with combined responses ( Baluch and Itti, 2011)? A second question concerns the sophistication of the information conveyed by this combinatorial code: does this code reflect only coincidental associations between stimuli and contexts or actions, or do they reflect internal models of multielement tasks? In sum, the preceding discussion has highlighted some of the complexities that can be entailed by a shift of gaze. Far from requiring a mere direct or habitual sensorimotor link, computing an effective scan path for sampling information requires an executive mechanism that infers the relevant steps in an extend task, and uses this inference to determine points of significant uncertainty and sources of information that may reduce that uncertainty.